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company culture

TAAN was founded in 1992, initially devoted to the research of electromagnetic radiation and shielding of high-power radar. In 1996, with the rapid development of mobile communication, TAAN studied the electromagnetic exposure and shielding about communication base stations, the radiation principles and shielding methods of 2G, 3G, 4G, 5g, 6G and other communication base stations. In 2002, TAAN devoted itself to the research of curtains for electromagnetic exposure shielding, such as the silver fiber single crystal shielding technology, silver fiber alloy oxidation resistance technology, anti-aging technology and related mechanisms.


In 2018, TAAN introduced foreign production lines. Shielding fabric for curtains and canopy was produced. This fabric can not only effectively protect electromagnetic radiation of communication base stations, but also has very good light transmittance and permeability. It has become the world's top shielding fabric. It can be washed infinitely, including machine wash and hand wash, and can endure direct exposure to the sun. After 30 years of anti-aging experiments, the protective performance of this curtain is very stable.


As a leader in the field of electromagnetic radiation shielding, TAAN adheres to the combination of basic theoretical research of electromagnetic radiation and product production technology, and supports both theoretical research and practical application. It also has three laboratories:


(1) Communication base station Electromagnetic Radiation Research Laboratory


It mainly studies the electromagnetic radiation mechanism of 2G, 3G, 4G, 5g, 6G... 10g signal towers, the electromagnetic radiation characteristics of signal towers, the maximum value prediction technology, and the electromagnetic radiation characteristics and shielding technology of multi-layer and CO station signal towers.


(2) Silver fiber heat treatment research laboratory


The heat treatment technology of single crystal silver fiber is studied, and the melting, directional solidification and annealing processes of high temperature silver fiber are studied


(3) Silver alloy Laboratory


The technology and oxidation resistance of silver alloy, the melting technology and aging resistance of silver titanium alloy were studied.

About us


公 司:塔安电磁辐射防护





地 址:湖南省长沙市岳麓区坪塘大道